Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Do You Regularly Clear This Cache?

Safe to keep important things.
The life is becoming complex in this dynamic world day by day. We come across a variety of people with variety of their moods, expectations and experiences, actions and reactions. We also behave differently with different people at different times.

Every person is under some sort of stress. In less time we want to achieve more. Some people are able to manage their stress whereas the others are not.

It usually happens that whenever some person hits our dignity, self-respect or doesn't come true to our expectations we just happen to create a negative image of that person, open a virtual account in our mind and keep on registering all the chronological events relating to interaction with him. That account stands dormant with positive event but every so called slightly negative event enters that account with compound interest till date.

I had been working for a long period of time on my website. It passed through various ups and downs like any other work . The person maintaining the site now also showed the same behaviour. Like in any other case of technical work, his response can be compared to fluctuation in voltage of electricity in summers. However, he has been handling it in a very good manner from the beginning.

As I am very anxious about my website and want to do a lot, I keep on sending messages to him regarding any issue till it is finally resolved.

Now, something happened. I had been sending messages regarding some issues on my website that were major for me but minor according to him. I opened the same account , started making the same entries. Within a week's time, the account had accumulated a large balance.

The website was not opening on laptop properly. It opened after, like jumping on the laptop, showing some broken images before opening properly. When I tried to open it on my cell phone, two logos were appearing instead of one. I couldn't control myself. Again, I called him. He didn't pick the phone. It made the situation worse.

After a few minutes again made a call. He picked up. I told him the problem. He said, everything is fine on his side. He started telling me about the various issues, and I would interrupt him regarding the problem in opening of the site. He said, "Pehle Cash clear krlaena see"(in Punjabi). I replied,"cash v clear ho jayega pehlan kamm tan hove"(in Punjabi) means "Cash will be cleared after the clearance of work." Then he clarified that he meant 'çache' not 'çash'. He told me how to do it, but I won't listen to him. Then he asked me to wait for some more time.

In the meantime, I searched Google: 'How to clear the cache?' Obviously, Google as usual, offered its services. I cleared the cache of my laptop, and the website opened very nicely. Then, I cleared cache of my cell phone again after searching the Google as to how cache of Android phone should be cleared. It again helped me. When I opened my website from cellphone, it again opened very nicely with only one logo, however. By the next call I told him that everything is fine now.

But, honestly speaking, I felt a strong jolt by the process and aftereffects of clearing the cache.

Same thing happens with our lives. we keep on gathering the events and experiences in our mind like a savings bank account to play safe in times of need. But actually, that accumulated stuff gets rotten and keeps on polluting our minds. 

So, we must disregard the unwanted negative thoughts time to time so that mind can clearly look ahead. We must clear our mental cache regularly.

Our Beloved Pet


When the whole world on social media is looking down upon a festival which involves the practice of committing all types of atrocities on dogs, burning them, suffocating them, slaughtering them It becomes more apt to write something on my beloved pet-rather OUR BELOVED PET.

He is not into show business, he does not appear in youtube videos, he doesn’t jump through the metallic or wooden rims, he does not pick up the pegs from the ground nor does he run in a zigzag manner, he doesn't perform stunts of any sort.  He never goes for picking up newspaper. He has never won any race or title in any show at local or national level, but he has surely won many hearts and is very adorable.

He wags his tail on seeing everyone at home. Whenever the doorbell rings in the house, he runs to the gate as if he is the person to whom the guest has come to see. When the gate is opened he can easily guess, whether the guest is known or a stranger. If there is a stranger, he won’t stop expressing his negative reaction towards that person by raising his voice and frightening that person in such a manner that it begins to appear that he would be torn apart simultaneously bringing that unknown person to the rest of the family member’s attention as well.

But if that guest is known to any of the housemates, he would keep quiet and would wag his tail and again will raise his voice but this time in a different manner so that he can greet the person and hug him. He cannot speak our language but he understands all the words that are repeatedly used in home. He understands different situations and acts and reacts accordingly. He knows exactly how to behave and react accordingly keeping in mind the nature of different people whether at home or outside.

He changes his tones and expressions for demanding different things, different for having car ride; he would run here and there after whosoever can fulfill his demand. Whenever there’s some tension around, he can sense it and would keep calm and quiet. In case there is excitement around, he would sense it too. He doesn’t remain alone. He would sit there, where he can see all the family members i.e. any central place in the house. He knows how to see anyone off to work. He is so caring he won’t sleep at night till all the family members are back home.

He knows his biological timetable. He very well sticks to it—for eating, sleeping, for outing etc. He knows where he is allowed to sit where not. He can recognize his blanket, his utensils. He enjoys eating ice-cream like a little baby does, he licks the ice-cream like a baby does. He can be seen eagerly waiting to eat ice-cream. He understands when he is made to wait for his favorable eatables, cookies. He has that much patience. It can take many pages to write on this adorable creation of God.

I can recall my childhood memory of always fearing a dog and hitting him with a stone. I really feel bad about. I feel bad about the people doing any type of harm to dogs, not only dogs but other birds and animals also.

Though a lot has been written on pets by innumerable persons over time, I would recommend every family to have one pet at least once. And see how a friend becomes a family member.

Zorro will live forever in our stray dogs that have become pets....cotd.

Every Cloud Has a Silver Lining


For many days I had been feeling depressed, depressed and depressed. The life seemed to be of no use. 'Worthlessness of life' was the main thought sucking my energy and time. Though, I don't want to be pessimistic and always try to keep the life meaningful, many a times I become the victim of this negative thinking.

This continued for many days without any reason.
Then, suddenly a midnight series of diarrhea and vomiting diverted my mind, followed by severe stomachache. Doctor advised medication and asked to go for getting an ultrasound, in case the pain does not subsidize. The pain did not go. Ultrasound confirmed something.

Severe and persistent pain took me to another doctor the next morning, who confirmed my getting to go under knife for emergency appendix surgery. He had a doubt of bursting the appendix and showed us the chances of open surgery instead of laparoscopy.

Immediately the preliminary tests were conducted, and the surgery was performed. It took two and half hours as against the expected time of one hour. On my coming out of operation theater, doctor told my sister the reasons of getting the surgery prolonged due to removal of some extra growth of some soft tissue with pancreas. Bed rest was prescribed by the doctor.

I had never felt so light in my entire life, the way I felt immediately after getting discharged from hospital. I thought the negativity that I had been carrying in me had just piled up and resulted into the need of surgery, that was removed by surgery. Instantly, I began to feel light and nice. I thought of never thinking negative again.

I thank God for not giving me the time to think for preparing for the surgery, secondly, for showing the doctor the other thing during the same operation. Still another, the third reason, for the success in the search of a friend after twenty years, when suddenly on posting my original picture on facebook profile, she responded to my message by sending a friend request which I keenly accepted, simply to be overjoyed. Thank God.
(An old post published now.)

Twenty Idiots

It was the second Sunday of April 2011. I was on invigilation duty in entrance examination of IIT Roorkee. Twenty candidates out of twenty-four allotted to the room, were present. IIT exam. has evoked a strange interest after Three Idiots.

I was keener to know the faces of prospective engineers in my room than they would have been in appearing for the examination.

The bell rang. Booklets were distributed in order. It started like any other exam. After some time, the environment became a little loose on their part. Out of them only six were seriously doing their part of exam, two candidates were serious in enacting the scene of being serious, actually they were not.

It appeared they didn't know anything and were passing time.
Six candidates were somewhat busy like average students doing their best as they could. One was passing time by looking at me and my colleague on duty in the same room. He would rotate his gaze as soon as one of us would see him doing so.
Two were bold enough to pass time looking outside the window. One was simply passing time by keeping his head down and relaxing.

Two of them were creative enough or were passing time creatively or could not resist but showing their creativity and passion.

One of them was making picture of, as was seen from that seat.
The other, a girl was making pictures of dresses on the blank page of her question booklet adding captions depicting her own emotions like 'A budding designer', 'Flop of dreams unlimited'.

Watching all this inside the examination room, I was thinking about Whose dreams? their parents', of the society or their own, still not able to come to the conclusion.

(An old post published now.)

My Inspirational Tree

This tree has been there in my records fro many years. I found it full of leaves after a long period of seeing it dry and almost dead.

It gives so much positivity.

Guess the place.

What Is Your Age?

Oh! What a question?

The only question in society that a person doesn't answer correctly, especially women, even if the other person is in a perfect position to know it accurately.
Why? Why do we hesitate to answer this question, that too correctly?

As we grow in years, we want to show ourselves younger and younger.
I remember, a few years ago, we were six in number, gossiping in free time. We were talking about the problems of growing age. One of my colleagues on the verge of retirement (retirement age being fifty-eight years) interrupted another one saying, "Whenever I make two braids of my hair, my husband says, you look so young, you can get married right now" normally indicating an age bracket of 18 - 22 years (as per her version).

Oh my God!
We all smiled sarcastically, knowing well how old she was at that time.
What I am noticing for the last few years, that as my birthday approaches, I become serious. Serious on the one hand and happy on the other.
Birthday presents make me happy? Nah.... people calling, me wishing me Happy Birthday.......that's it.
Then why do I get serious?

Oh! I am also nearing a certain age.
Every year I have tried to make one resolution or another to improve my life and lifestyle. For the last two years, It was to consider myself as I would be ,a decade back.
This serious issue occupies my mind only before or immediately after my birthday.

Otherwise, when I am among my students, I am a little older than them. Occasionally, I refer to my age indirectly, quoting the number of years for vouching my experience in dealing with the students' problems. But, no,never ever  had I revealed my real age.
When there is back ache due to standing for long hours, then 'Age' reminds me How old I am. Then again, I become serious.

When I find something new or colorful hobby on Instagram, Pinterest etc. instantly I go back on my timeline and find myself fresh and energetic.
Today, same thoughts have occupied my mind. I just googled, what is your age?
Ha ha.

This is what Google's search results revealed:
First link it provided: Age Test-It promised to calculate a person's real age.
I thought, "Why not try this one?"
On opening the test, first I found if any e-mail I.D. is required. No, It was not required. It paved the way ahead.

Then they suggested to answer various questions honestly and instantly to get the accurate result. I decided to go honestly. Even If the result declared by them is unfavorable, It would not be caught How old I am. They assured complete secrecy.
I performed it honestly. The result: Wow! 28 years...I just felt the same as I was at that age.
It encouraged me to go for one more test. It again offered a set of twenty multiple choice type questions. It was their instruction to choose one answer to each question which comes to your mind first.

The result: "You are 37 Years. "Wow! That's also good.
Then, went on to try the third. It revealed a shocking 62 years. No, this is not possible. Luck favored me this time, honestly telling, the screen shot could not be saved, and the window got closed instantly in this effort. Otherwise also, I am Not That old.
Then another test, wow again.

What else can give me so much happiness on the eve of my birthday? Now, no more tests to check my age.
Let me move to another section. Emotional age.

Oh! here, so many questions don't belong to me, have not been made for me, or I am not made for these questions. Let's leave this area.

Then comes the next. Then Macmillan's website offered test in learning of English language. There was a set of some multiple choice type questions along with images for each, one after the other,for each level. I crossed many levels and finally they announced Passed the Final Intermediate Level, congratulated me and asked me to browse their website now for next work.

This time not to inflate my confidence beyond reasonable level, again screen shot could not be saved and the window got accidentally closed.
But I am happy. I have decided to  answer this question happily ,honestly and accurately that I have struck half century.

(Old post published now.)

Spider Teacher

Spider weaving a web.

The title of this blog seems to be evoking an ugly scene of a spider, most people hate to see. But this spider became the center of attraction and a model for clicking pictures by my Nokia c5 camera. I happily use to click with, for uploading pictures on my Facebook account. 

One fine evening, I just went outside our drawing room to see something, When I saw this spider busy making the web. I had never watched a spider at such work, weaving a web.

 I just brought my cell phone and clicked a picture. Then clicked another picture. Then one more picture from another angle. Then another picture - when the full size of that spider was visible.

On coming in and showing the picture in my cell phone to all in the drawing room, everyone was keenly taken outside to watch that spider. One followed another, to view all this. Some more pictures were clicked.

It was within ten minutes that this spider turned out to be a 'model' from a lone creature. Soon I felt like a wildlife photographer.

I wondered, how a simple thing can turn out to be so interesting and a blog can be written.

I kept on thinking about the patience, artistic skills , concentration of that spider, that can only be viewed from the picture.

Above all, It reminded me a great story of a great king Bruce having learnt a great lesson of perseverance from this tiny creature.  

This is an old post published now.

10 Everyday Lessons from Gurbani

  As per the Sikhism, here are 10 everyday lessons from Gurbani: 1. Practice Humility :  Gurbani teaches to practice humility and believe th...