Tuesday, March 12, 2024

Our Beloved Pet


When the whole world on social media is looking down upon a festival which involves the practice of committing all types of atrocities on dogs, burning them, suffocating them, slaughtering them It becomes more apt to write something on my beloved pet-rather OUR BELOVED PET.

He is not into show business, he does not appear in youtube videos, he doesn’t jump through the metallic or wooden rims, he does not pick up the pegs from the ground nor does he run in a zigzag manner, he doesn't perform stunts of any sort.  He never goes for picking up newspaper. He has never won any race or title in any show at local or national level, but he has surely won many hearts and is very adorable.

He wags his tail on seeing everyone at home. Whenever the doorbell rings in the house, he runs to the gate as if he is the person to whom the guest has come to see. When the gate is opened he can easily guess, whether the guest is known or a stranger. If there is a stranger, he won’t stop expressing his negative reaction towards that person by raising his voice and frightening that person in such a manner that it begins to appear that he would be torn apart simultaneously bringing that unknown person to the rest of the family member’s attention as well.

But if that guest is known to any of the housemates, he would keep quiet and would wag his tail and again will raise his voice but this time in a different manner so that he can greet the person and hug him. He cannot speak our language but he understands all the words that are repeatedly used in home. He understands different situations and acts and reacts accordingly. He knows exactly how to behave and react accordingly keeping in mind the nature of different people whether at home or outside.

He changes his tones and expressions for demanding different things, different for having car ride; he would run here and there after whosoever can fulfill his demand. Whenever there’s some tension around, he can sense it and would keep calm and quiet. In case there is excitement around, he would sense it too. He doesn’t remain alone. He would sit there, where he can see all the family members i.e. any central place in the house. He knows how to see anyone off to work. He is so caring he won’t sleep at night till all the family members are back home.

He knows his biological timetable. He very well sticks to it—for eating, sleeping, for outing etc. He knows where he is allowed to sit where not. He can recognize his blanket, his utensils. He enjoys eating ice-cream like a little baby does, he licks the ice-cream like a baby does. He can be seen eagerly waiting to eat ice-cream. He understands when he is made to wait for his favorable eatables, cookies. He has that much patience. It can take many pages to write on this adorable creation of God.

I can recall my childhood memory of always fearing a dog and hitting him with a stone. I really feel bad about. I feel bad about the people doing any type of harm to dogs, not only dogs but other birds and animals also.

Though a lot has been written on pets by innumerable persons over time, I would recommend every family to have one pet at least once. And see how a friend becomes a family member.

Zorro will live forever in our stray dogs that have become pets....cotd.

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