Showing posts with label NEP 2020. Show all posts
Showing posts with label NEP 2020. Show all posts

Wednesday, June 21, 2023

Should We Give Mobile Phones to School Students?

Mobile phone

In recent years, the widespread availability and affordability of mobile phones have prompted discussions about their impact on various aspects of our lives. One of the most debated topics is whether mobile phones should be given to school students in India. 

While some argue that mobile phones can enhance learning and communication, others express concerns about the potential negative effects on students' academic performance and overall well-being. 

This article explores the pros and cons of giving mobile phones to school students in India, taking into account the unique challenges and opportunities in the Indian context. 

Pros of Giving Mobile Phones to School Students: 

Access to Information and Educational Resources:

One of the significant benefits of providing mobile phones to students is the access to a vast pool of information and educational resources available on the internet. 

Students can use smartphones to conduct research, access online textbooks, and engage with educational apps. 

This access to information can enhance their learning experience, foster self-directed learning, and improve their overall academic performance. 

Digital Literacy and Technological Skills:

Integrating mobile phones into the learning process can help students develop digital literacy and technological skills. 

By using smartphones for educational purposes, students can become familiar with various digital tools and applications, preparing them for the digital-centric world they will encounter as they progress in their education and careers. 

Communication and Collaboration:

Mobile phones enable seamless communication and collaboration among students, teachers, and parents. Students can easily reach out to their peers and educators for discussions, clarification, and sharing of ideas. 

It also allows parents to stay connected with their children and engage in their academic progress, fostering a stronger parent-teacher-student relationship. 

Flexibility and Personalized Learning:

Mobile phones provide flexibility in terms of where and when students can engage with educational content. 

With personalized learning becoming increasingly important, mobile devices allow students to learn at their own pace and tailor their educational experience based on their unique needs and interests. This adaptability can lead to improved engagement and motivation among students. 

Enhanced Safety and Security:

Mobile phones provide a sense of security and safety, both for students and their parents. In case of emergencies or unforeseen circumstances, students can quickly reach out to their parents, guardians, or authorities for help.

Furthermore, location-tracking features on mobile phones can assist in monitoring the whereabouts of students, ensuring their safety during travel to and from school. 

Cons of Giving Mobile Phones to School Students: 

Distraction and Disruption:

One of the primary concerns regarding mobile phones in schools is the potential for distraction. 

The presence of smartphones can lead to students being easily distracted by social media, games, or non-educational apps, diverting their attention from the learning process. Moreover, the misuse of phones, 

Cyberbullying and Online Harassment: 

The increased connectivity and online presence expose students to the risks of cyberbullying and online harassment. 

Without proper guidance and supervision, students may fall victim to online predators, encounter inappropriate content, or engage in harmful behavior themselves. 

Schools must implement effective strategies to educate students about online safety, digital etiquette, and responsible internet usage. 

Health Concerns: 

Extended use of mobile phones can lead to health issues such as eye strain, musculoskeletal problems, sleep disturbances, and sedentary lifestyles. 

The excessive screen time associated with mobile phone usage may negatively impact students' physical and mental well-being. It is crucial for schools and parents to promote a balanced approach to technology use and encourage healthy habits. 

Economic Disparity and Access Issues:

While the benefits of mobile phones are evident, it is important to consider the economic disparities in India. Not all students may have access to mobile phones, reliable internet connectivity, or the financial means to afford data plans. 

Introducing mobile phones without addressing these access issues can increase inequality among students and create a digital divide. 


The decision to give mobile phones to school students in India is a complex one, balancing the potential advantages with the inherent challenges. Mobile phones can be powerful tools. 

If 'Digital India Campaign' and 'National Education Policy' are to be made successful, we'll have to give mobile phones to school students on 'Rationing Basis '. 

It means they should use it for limited no. of hours daily after school time. Junior students must use it under parental supervision. 

Enough emphasis should be there on safety and security of online transactions.

Dear Readers! Your precious comments are required. 

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