What is love? It is an emotional attachment with anything, living or non-living. Anything can fall in its purview. A person can be emotionally attached with another person, a pet, an activity, a place, a view, anything which gives happiness and in the presence of what he is somewhat or totally lost and considers everything else less important. I love all these and many more things.
- To get up early in the morning and watching birds flying in one direction.
- To watch someone on a morning walk, doing exercises, in a green park.
- To watch lush green lawn with beautiful and healthy plants and a chain of tall Ashoka trees next to my workplace.
- To enjoy the trust of a person sharing his/her personal problem and honoring that trust by a good piece of advice.
- To watch a little baby walking and holding finger of some elder.
- To watch clouds and making out meaningful designs or pictures out of those clouds.
- To play with colors on paper or screen of my computer.
- To gossip in a group of close friends.
- To observe people eating, moving around, shopping, behaving strangely outside the auditorium in a theater, before starting of a movie.
- Reading a good non-fiction book in my bed, during winter nights.
- Talking to my friends on phone after a long gap.
- Picking up rotten leaves out of plants to give them cleaner look.
- Watching discovery channel programes alone without any disturbance.
- Designing a piece of embroidery or crochet work for some dress or anything else.
- Working on my computer and enjoying a cup of hot coffee.
- Listening to old Hindi songs preferably with good videos.
- I love steamy food during winter nights on a national highway.
- Going down the memory lane. Those were the good old days.
I think a person can find happiness and love anything desirable under the sky.
N.B. You may add your own in the comments.