Tuesday, August 27, 2024

10 Everyday Lessons from Gurbani

 As per the Sikhism, here are 10 everyday lessons from Gurbani:

1. Practice Humility
Gurbani teaches to practice humility and believe that all human beings are equal in the eyes of God.

2. Hard work: 
Sikhs believe in working hard to achieve their goals and not relying on luck or fate.

3. Help Others: 
The Sikh faith preaches helping and serving others without expecting anything in return.

4. Be Honest: 
Honesty is a core value of Sikhism, and followers are encouraged to be truthful in all their dealings.

5. Have faith:
Sikhs are taught to have faith in God and to trust in His plan.

6. Be Compassionate: 
Sikhs believe in being compassionate towards all living beings.

7. Be Content: 
The Sikh faith teaches that true happiness comes from being content with what one has and not be greedy for more.

8. Forgiveness: 
Forgiving others is a key teaching of Sikhism, and followers are encouraged to let go of grudges and anger.

9. Stand up for justice: 
Sikhs believe in standing up against injustice and oppression.

10. Live in the present: 
Sikhism teaches followers to live in the present moment and not worry about the past or future.

If we keep upto these lessons, life would be better for us all.

The Power of Gratitude

Gratitude is a powerful tool that can transform the way we experience life. It is the quality to appreciate and be thankful for all the good things we enjoy around us. This state of mindfulness can help to reduce feelings of worry and fear about the future or regret about the past.

We can practice Gratitude in various ways. 

One of the most effective methods is by keeping a gratitude journal. In a gratitude journal, we write down things that we are thankful for, focusing on even the smallest and seemingly insignificant things. 

Another way to practice gratitude is by expressing appreciation to others. This can be as simple as saying thank you or writing a note of gratitude to someone who has made a positive impact on your life.

Gratitude can also be practiced through mindfulness meditation. During meditation, we focus our attention on the present moment and deliberately cultivate feelings of gratitude towards ourselves, others, and our environment. 

By doing so, we can develop a deeper appreciation of the interconnectedness of all things in our lives.

Overall, gratitude is a powerful tool that can help us to live more fulfilling and meaningful lives. By practicing gratitude, we become more aware of the abundance in our lives, develop a deeper appreciation for the simple things, and experience greater levels of happiness and contentment.

Whether through journaling, expressing appreciation to others, or meditation, incorporating gratitude into our daily lives can have a transformative impact on our overall well-being.

Nature is an Incredible Teacher l Lessons from Mother Nature

 Nature is an incredible teacher, offering countless lessons that can inspire and guide us in various aspects of life. Here are ten lessons we can learn from nature:

Nature shows us the power of resilience, constantly adapting to changing circumstances. Just as plants find a way to grow in harsh environments, we can learn to bounce back from challenges and setbacks.

In nature, everything is interconnected. Each organism relies on others for survival, creating a delicate balance. Recognizing our interconnectedness can teach us the importance of collaboration and cooperation in our communities.

Nature operates on its own timeline, not rushing or forcing things. Trees take years to grow, and rivers carve through rocks over centuries. Embracing patience allows us to appreciate the process and understand that good things often take time.

Biodiversity is a fundamental aspect of nature, with various species coexisting and thriving together. Nature teaches us the value of embracing diversity and celebrating our differences, fostering a richer and more vibrant world.

Change is an inherent part of nature. Seasons shift, flowers bloom and wither, and landscapes transform. Accepting impermanence can help us navigate life's transitions and find beauty in each moment.

Nature exemplifies the ability to adapt to new circumstances. Species evolve to survive in different environments and face changing conditions. Learning to adapt can enable us to thrive in an ever-changing world.

Nature maintains balance by regulating resources and cycles. From the delicate equilibrium of ecosystems to the harmony of day and night, we can learn the importance of balance in our own lives, seeking equilibrium between work and play, rest and activity.

Amidst the complexity of nature, simplicity often prevails. Many natural systems follow efficient and minimalist designs. Embracing simplicity can help us focus on what truly matters and find peace in a cluttered world.

Harmony with cycles: 
Nature operates in cycles, from the water cycle to the life cycle. Embracing the rhythm of these cycles can teach us the importance of rest, rejuvenation, and the natural ebb and flow of life.

Nature demonstrates the importance of sustainability. It operates in a circular economy, where waste is minimized, and resources are recycled. Learning from nature's sustainability practices can guide us towards more environmentally conscious living.

By observing and reflecting on these lessons from nature, we can gain valuable insights and apply them to our personal growth, relationships, and the way we interact with the world around us.

Sunday, August 18, 2024

My Favourite Teachers

                                Being a teacher, I take the opportunity of dedicating the compliments I receive from different persons, young or old. The credit of such compliments goes to my favorite teachers during my studies.

I can easily recall the memory of my first teacher in class nursery, but not out of respect or what I have learnt from her. That job was performed by my late father, for teaching, by my mother by supervising me and on the third place my sister for helping me in my homework when it was left undone (sometimes) and the gaps in my work or when I was not well, acting as my substitute.

Though I can make out the mental picture of Maths and English notebooks with the letters written in pink colour pencil in these notebooks as clear as real now, but nothing has ever come in my mind as a sweet memory of learning at school except with some funny, fighting, games, cultural items and events.

I have learnt from many teachers, but in school Mrs Joginder Bajaj was my favorite teacher who taught me Maths from class 8th to 10th. Yes, she was my favorite teacher, many students didn't like her. It was not her fault, it was the fault with their minds, they were not sharp enough to understand Maths with their poor base in Maths. She had always taken care of my performance and had never let it lag behind.

I remember very well how she used to take extra care of my study by solving my problems from extra books she arranged specially for me, for extra practice.

I can recall a special incidence when she called me to her place as my problems were pending and she had to go out of station the next day. I went to her place. We both sat on a double bed (cross-legged) with books and notebooks scattered (by me) on it, she was helping me in solving sums and entertaining me with eatables. This part of learning, is surely not a part of teaching anywhere at least not near my place. I wonder if I could forget her.

Then, in college Sir Nachhatar Singh taught us Cost Accounting. He was also made fun of, as he was handicapped and always tried to hide his hand in the right pocket of his pants. His way of teaching was too good.  In college, only a few of the students pay attention in class as most of them take tuition in difficult subjects. I was not like most of them.

I had a lot of problems in that subject. Sir, understood, that I was solving the questions and would ask me, "In case there is any problem, let me know and give me a slip bearing the question no. and name of the chapter ". (It was never expected that time in my college). Next day I would receive the handwritten solutions to all my problems. Because of his such efforts I never found the Cost Accounting difficult as most of the students tell till this day.

After, about five years of my graduating from college I came to know the sad part of his life, that was over. He committed suicide by jumping in the lake just two days before his marriage was scheduled as he didn't want to ruin that girl's life (They say it was revealed in his suicide note.)

So, I think a teacher is good only if he or she is available to the students.

The knowledge is important to stay in this competitive world. A teacher's knowledge is accepted only if shared with the students.
I pray to God to help me in my pursuits.

Thursday, August 8, 2024

My Favourite Students

My Favourite Students


During the long span of teaching, I have taught hundreds of students. Still, when I have to count for my sweet memories, some students, I really miss and would like to see them again in my life. I want to see If the students who were so good by nature, their character, their maturity, their devotion, attachment have really done well in their life also.

The foremost to count is A C, with curly hair cut short - and soft-spoken girl. She was secretary of students' council. Speaking loudly or harshly to anyone was out of question, totally duty-bound fun making girl. The most memorable event is trip to Simla and Kufri.

Then come the R and R duo. R with her sharp nose, long braid and sweet smile, was her father’s daughter extremely protected nice girl. R was her best mate with curly hair cut short with good voice, ready to sing on slight provocation. She would always carry a diary in her bag with the hit songs written in it, to be used anytime. The most memorable is the night, we all were awake gossiping in a gurudwara at Dehradun, while all other students and teachers were sleeping.

P K was a soft and sober girl with bold writing, always stood second in class. Much was expected from her in this field but after 12th class came to know that she was under influence of some evil spirit and was physically not keeping well. She didn’t join the college and was married after some time.

PC, a fat, bold, self-confident girl with curly hair enclosing a logical mind underneath, was the president of students' council. She was the best speaker. What a self-determined student can do, was proved by her. She is rightly placed in career (media). The most memorable trip to Kempty falls.

M was a simple girl with wheatish complexion. She left the first impression of a negative personality. But till date, I can rarely count any other girl so affectionate, and duty bound. She was one of the best monitors of my classes till date.

Dk was fat, fair, calm and affectionate girl, she was made class monitor. She performed the duties very honestly for almost two years, when just before the preparatory holidays I relieved her of her duties, so that she can concentrate more on studies.

AR was a charming, fair and decent girl with sharp nose. She was very diplomatic, calm and composed girl. She knew how to adjust the tone of her voice while handling different issues. She was intelligent and president of the students' council.

SC was a very intelligent, soft spoken, mature and diplomatic girl. She was handed over the duties of secretary of students' council. She always stood first or second in the class. She proved her maturity and intelligence on three very important occasions, she is worthy of praise beyond limit.

NC was a beautiful, charming, intelligent, tall girl with long braid. She was a player and a model. She was so calm, decent and down to earth that on even being made Miss India North-West, she didn’t lose her composure. She was extremely respectful towards everyone.
J and P sisters, in different batches, were again very affectionate, intelligent, and responsible girls. P was a national player and knew how to keep a balance between curricular and co-curricular activities.

D a sweet, beautiful, a national champion in Ball badminton, also stood first in class, unforgettable.

S a tall, intelligent, monitor of my class always stood first in class.
PG was an intelligent, sweet, humble and duty-bound girl. She hardly refused anyone for any work. The most interesting thing about her, if she would be sent for some work, she would return after almost half the period was over. Because she would be caught by some another teacher for her work, and PG had to do that work also, still she never lagged behind in her studies and stood first in her class.

S was short, intelligent, sober, dark complexioned, girl with spectacles on her face and long braid on her back. She also stood first in her class, she was a great artist, her sketching was too good.

B like S was also a sober, short, intelligent, girl with smile on her face. She was calm but had good relations with all her classmates alike. She always stood second in her class.

I, N and V were the students of the same class. The first impression given by I, I would keep him set in the class, as he seemed to be over smart. But he proved to be the best boy of the class. Cooperative, duty bound, all-rounder, affectionate, well mannered, you name the qualities, and he had. N possessed all the qualities of a good leader, polite, fun loving, patience, diplomacy, she had these all. She had always maintained the balance between extra activities and studies. V was really a genius. Though kept himself away from extracurricular activities, but very decent and intelligent boy.

GT and AB were also very good boys. GT had all the leadership qualities where AB had a unique, intelligent, fun loving, balanced personality.

V, M, R, A, M, R, a group of decent and loyal six. First four proved their worth. VMRAM were exactly same, but R was a little different. They carried the torch of the class on, by marking their presence daily. The intelligence and presentation of paper by VMRA were too good. All of them remained calm and composed without affected by any disturbances of outside world.

Here comes my next batch. LB, SK, LP proved to be shining more than anyone else. We, teachers used to discuss the main reason of entering the class because of three students and they have proved it. LB appeared to be naughty to some, proved his hold on everything and specially the role of determination and self-confidence in the success. He was a good diplomat maintaining balance with all under all circumstances. Every piece of knowledge was stored in his mind like a computer memory. The SK always behaved like taking all the knowledge from teachers as though its not possible to do that again. He can be compared to question generating software. LP, a calm, shy and intelligent boy proved to be strong enough in the odds of life with his intelligence and performance, and shine like anything, without making any sound.

These are the jewels in my career, though I can count a large number of students for sweet memories.

Note: If any one of the above-mentioned students ever come to read this and is able to recognize, I would love his/her photo to be posted here. 

After this article was written (many years ago), I didn't write like this. My favorite students found a permanent place at commerceatease.com to advise other students.

10 Everyday Lessons from Gurbani

  As per the Sikhism, here are 10 everyday lessons from Gurbani: 1. Practice Humility :  Gurbani teaches to practice humility and believe th...